Reddit backblaze
Reddit backblaze

reddit backblaze

Seven years later, both of those statements still hold true. At the time, people wanted to know about the future of Backblaze and the possibility of our company going out of business. Most of us participated in the IAmA that year.

reddit backblaze

In 2012, Backblaze was a smaller company with only 25 petabytes of data under management and fifteen employees. With our goals aligned, in partnership with World Backup Day and Reddit, Backblaze decided to do an IAmA. In an effort to raise awareness, they created World Backup Day. A small group within the Reddit community realized the importance of backing up and the rising trend of data loss. World Backup Day was similarly started when a Reddit user lost their hard drive and wished someone had reminded them to back it up. As a result, Backblaze was founded to help consumers and businesses back up their data in the simplest way possible to avoid data loss. She had no backups and her data was gone. Twelve years ago, Backblaze was formed after our founder’s friend called to tell him that her computer had crashed. Backblaze did our first AMA in 2012, so we thought it was time for a second one.

reddit backblaze

Redditors can ask the subject(s) whatever they wish, which is the reason it is called an AMA, short for “Ask Me Anything.” The resulting comment thread is preserved on Reddit. After trying both backblaze and I drive I'm going to give a brief review of my experience with both services.If you’re not familiar with a Reddit IAmA (I Am a), it’s a subreddit (/r/IAmA) for question-and-answer interactive interviews. To start with things that backblaze does better than I drive. Backblaze supports file comparisons, or in other words it is able to tell if it has already uploaded a file even if it was from a different Drive or folder.

reddit backblaze

While backblaze does have their own version of this they seem to only use the enterprise-level version that send you a 50 terabyte Fireball, with no option to do a smaller more personal version I drive cannot do this as it uses a file tree base system of file storage, this is incredibly bothersome as if you change the name of any of the files on that entire tree I drive will try to re-upload everything, even if the name and metadata hasn't changed at all.Īnother thing that backblaze does better is the fact that you can get a hard drive sent to you with your already backed up data for free, I drive does exactly the opposite they will send you a drive for you to copy your data locally on to and then mail the drive back to them in order to backup the data that way, but to get a copy sent to you cost money. Some things that I drive does better than backblaze is the fact you can back up multiple computers to the same account as you pay for a chunk of storage instead of unlimited for a single device which also includes a mobile devices which backblaze doesn't.

Reddit backblaze