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Murder the Hypotenuse: Although never outright stated, it's very clear that she wishes to kill Inori after finding out that Gai seems to need her more.Karma Houdini: Despite turning on Shu and leaving everyone defenseless, Arisa gets off scot-free.Imaginary Love Triangle: She has deluded herself into thinking that she's competing with Inori for Gai.Eventually subverted after her Face–Heel Turn. Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: Beautiful, a prestigious Ojou and very rightful.Face–Heel Turn: She turns the school against Shu before joining Gai.Enemy Mine: She tentatively teams up with Shu in Episode 19 to look for Haruka.She is shot in Episode 22 and is seemingly dead until she is shown with Da'at members, still alive but wounded. Disney Death: It appeared as though she was killed off by Inori in Episode 16, but Episode 17 reveals that she's still alive and merely had her hand injured.Clingy Jealous Girl: She does not like Inori because of her closeness to Gai.Broken Bird: Is completely delusional after the events of Episode 16.Break the Cutie: Getting attacked by Inori really did a number on her.

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  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Her niceness hides a ruthless personality behind it.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: After Inori's attack on her (and her own belief that it was out punishment for trying to go against Shu), she decides to create a coup d'etat with the student body against Shu and succeeds.
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  • Ascended Extra: Appeared in all of a single episode on her own before joining with the rest of Shu's friends in his rush to save Inori.
  • Arranged Marriage: In Episode 16, her grandfather planned to give her to the leader of the Ming Hua Group as a wife in exchange for his help determining the future of Japan, and Argo is sent to retrieve her.
  • Her Void is a sphere-shaped shield that can separate and eliminate attacks.

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